Shibui & Daughters

Design with an Aesthetic of Simple, Subtle and Unobtrusive Beauty

Where You Been?

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

very busy with stuff. All good just time consuming. Not ready to announce some of the stuff yet.

So then what else have you been doing? In my quiet time I have been slow stitching. Want to see what I just finished?

My hammerhead shirt.

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Uh Oh, I have been thinking ...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I have been thinking about this for a long time.  On social media, there are many video posts with artists talking about their feelings, their trials and tribulations.  Also posts on stringing beads, how to wire wrap, soldering, the videos are endless.

I have been thinking about this for a long time.  On social media, there are many video posts with artists talking about their feelings, their trials and tribulations.  Also posts on stringing beads, how to wire wrap, soldering, the videos are endless.

That isn’t me.  Yes, I have feelings, trials, and tribulations. I have anxiety of why my art isn’t selling. I just don’t put it out there.

When I bead, you could watch me create, but really, I design on the fly. Five beads go on, 3 come off, another bunch goes on, etc. The beads talk to me, they tell me how they want to play with each other. The piece might sit for a week waiting for the right charm. It isn’t just string beads and it is a necklace!

Frankly, I am much better in person. I will speak about making jewelry, about my thoughts on life, or I will just tell you a story. Preferably with coffee or a whisky in hand!

So that is why I post finished jewelry, pictures of my chickens, signs I find funny, my dirty or clean truck, just images I like but no videos of me talking or …

Thanks for listening.


Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

A few weeks ago on a Friday night, I had a couple of honeybees in the house.  Never had them before, so it was a bit weird.  I went out on the deck, that is two stores above the street, and saw that down by the mailbox it appeared that there were a few bees in a bush.

A few weeks ago on a Friday night, I had a couple of honeybees in the house.  Never had them before, so it was a bit weird.  I went out on the deck, that is two stores above the street, and saw that down by the mailbox it appeared that there were a few bees in a bush.

Okay, no worries.  Figured that they would get what they wanted and move on.  These days we need all the honeybees we can get. Right?

In the morning when I opened the doors, I could hear more bees. A lot more bees!  I saw the bush and now it was covered in bees!  And someone had put a hive box down by the bush.  Cool. Next thing I know a honey guy was out front.  Turns out a good neighbor had called this guy.

He said that the hive had moved their queen into the bush and that they had been kicked out of where they were. The drones had decided the bush was a good place to set up a new hive. The bee guy said he had gotten the queen into the box and at nightfall all the bees would be inside the hive. He would come back after dark and pick them up.

He did. The bees are gone to make honey in a new home.  All is good.

Thanks for listening.

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving ...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

Yesterday morning, I was out in the yard feeding the chickens. Now mind you, these chickens are wild and roam around on their own. No coop, nothing. The show up at my door in the morning at 8am and then again at 5pm for food.

I found this little white feather from one of the 8 new chicks we have.

It reminded me of elementary school, when each year we would go out to a turkey farm. The farmer showed us around and talked about turkeys. He would give each of us a turkey feather to take back to class. Back to school, we learned how to make a quill from the feather and practice writing with ink like the original settlers.

Did anyone here also do that?

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Moonstone ....

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

A few weeks ago, husband and I took a nice long road trip down the coast to see E and her husband. We took the Pacific Coast Highway down and back. On the way back, we stopped at Moonstone Beach for lunch and a walk.

Needless to say my pockets came back with lots of rocks. Probably no moonstones but great rocks.

Now I need a stone saw to see what’s inside!!!

Thanks for Listening.

Going Through Some Stuff...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I have started to go through some thing that are extras, things that haven’t been used in a long time. Stuff like that. A few months ago, with the help of A, I cleared my closet of clothes from my ‘corporate days”. That is certainly a loose statement as husband and I have an architectural firm. We used to dress up (dress, panty hose, 3” heals and for husband a suit) but now we go to meetings in nice jeans. Haha.

I digress, I am going through cabinets, cupboards and such. I came across this well worn set of Japanese bowls. I picked these up in my college days (late 70s) at a second hand store. I can’t seem to part with them. No, I don’t use them … but I won’t be parting with them. Enough said.

Thanks for Listening and understanding!


Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I have gotten back into metalsmithing after many, many years away.
Here is a sterling pendant with a Maui beach pebble. I wanted it to look like it was still on the beach with other pebbles and sand.

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Ma'am ...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

The other day, I was stopped at a light and a big utility truck pulled up next to me. The guy yelled at me "Ma'am, I like your truck!" " Thanks" I said. He replied "It suits you." I just smiled.

This is my truck.

Thanks for Listening.

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

This year Santa ducked my Jeep. Evidently it is a thing with Jeep owners. You can read all about it by goggling Jeep Ducking. Here is a link to one place.

Here are all the ducks Santa gave me to hand out. I am just waiting to see a Jeep I really like … well I like all Jeeps but I am looking for “Special Jeeps”.

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Episode Two - Christmas My Way

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

My Grandmother, Lil, gave me this stocking on my first Christmas. She asked the neighbor lady to make it for her.

The red wood present boxes area few years old. They are sitting on a box that my Grandfather, Don, made. he made lots of wooden boxes for my Grandmother to put things in. If I remember right, this box held wood for with wood stove in the kitchen. It used to have linoleum on the top.

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Decorating for Christmas, my way ...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I thought I might share some of my decorations for Christmas.

This large green bowl was given to me by my mom. It was a wedding present to my parents in the early 50’s. Mom picked it out and listed in their gift registry at the local department store. The silver balls I picked up a few years back.

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Second Season

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

Last year these Crazy Crocs made the round of Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

Season Two of Crazy Crocs, they just got back from a trip to the Sierras. I went with them.

Rivers, creeks and Blue Lake.

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1970's Avocado

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I received this jigsaw back in the late 70’s as a Christmas present from my parents.

It has seen many boards and is still in service 48 years later working on remodeling bathrooms. They don’t make them like they used to or at least not in avocado green!

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Sometimes it is Just the Little Things

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

that bring joy into your life.

Sometimes, I watch Dr. Bertice Berry’s video posts on Facebook. One post she was talking about hangers. She had gotten new hangers for her closet and how much joy it brought her. Such a simple thing.

I had been thinking about that for a few days. Yes, a new car will bring joy, but also just the simple things can often times bring more.

There is a fabric store on Maui I like to go into just to look at the beautiful fabrics. They carry Asian fabrics that have metallic ink printed on them. They are gorgeous! I often buy their batik fat quarters to use when I am stitching little birds, owls, mice, etc.

So, I diverge from the subject. I was in the store looking at the notions. I saw sewing pins! Now, I have a ton of sewing pins. I don’t need more sewing pins, but …

They came home with me and out the door went all the old ones!

It is true, sometimes the simple things will bring you joy. Every time I use them I am so happy. Maybe in this uncertain times, you might think of some little thing that brings you joy or a smile to your face.

Thanks for Listening,

Holiday Memory

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

Yesterday at the grocery store I was standing in the checkout line. I had only gone for toffee bits so “A” can make one type of her many Christmas cookies she does every year. I saw these Life Saver Storybooks!

In elementary school at Christmas time my best friend, Judy, would always give me a storybook like these for Christmas. I would look forward to them every year. I don’t remember what gift I gave her.

Yesterday, I just had to bring them home along with 2 Green Chile Pork Snack Sticks for my son-in-laws. The check out line was too long!

Thanks for listening.

We were talking about ...

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

My Mom, Sister and I were talking the other day about tourist souvenir stores and shops carrying artists’ works from around the area. Especially those around Glacier National Park and Kalispell, Montana. My family was just up there and I was saying that we really didn’t get to go into any fun shops because of the covid and such.

When I got home that evening, I remembered a photo souvenir that my Grandfather had put together for the photo shop that he worked at. I believe that the photos and writing in this package are all his.


I don’t know the year that these packs were available. A long time ago because this pack contained 14 photos for $0.50! You could buy the package and mail a bunch of photos rather than just one postcard. I remember seeing photo packages for other places like these when I was a kid.

going to sun road.jpg
St Marys Lake.jpg


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