Shibui & Daughters

Design with an Aesthetic of Simple, Subtle and Unobtrusive Beauty

Tang, the Drink of Astronauts.

Kolby Fehlberg-BurnsComment

I know I haven’t posted in quite some time. Really what with this Covid and not being able to run amuck like usual, I haven’t really had anything to talk about. Everyone is talking about how much they are eating and streaming and … So that isn’t that interesting.

However, “E” called me the other day. She sometimes calls while she is driving somewhere to do something and we get a nice time to talk about stuff.

Somehow we started to talk about drinks and Russian Tea came up. I drank tea in college rather than coffee. I would take a break during the day and go up to the student union cafe and get a Russian Tea and read for awhile. “E” asked what was Russian Tea. We talked about how it is made and that maybe I should make some for old time sake. When I said Tang, she asked what that was. “Well, I said The drink of Astronauts!” “Whaaaaaat?” And the conversation turned and google came into play.

So for those of you who asked “Whaaaaat?” Here is the answer I copied from if you need more info.

Tang went on to be used on missions of NASA's Project Gemini, the successor to the Mercury manned missions to space. An engineer who worked on Project Gemini offered an explanation to the obvious question: Why Tang?

There was a particular component of the Gemini life support-system module which produced H2O. This was a byproduct of a reoccurring chemical reaction of one of the mechanical devices on the life-support module. The astronauts would use this water to drink during their space flight. The problem was, the Astronauts did not like the taste of the water because of some of the byproducts produced. So Tang was added to make the water taste better.

Thanks for Listening. Be Safe!